Život v Mníchove: Sprievodca digitálnymi nomádmi

s krásnymi dláždenými ulicami, živými pivnými záhradami a storočiami bavorskej kultúry je Mníchov jedným zo skrytých skrytých drahokamov Európy. Toto liberálne mesto víta cudzincov s otvorenou náručou, čo z neho robí ideálne miesto pre vysťahovalcov, nezávislých pracovníkov a digitálnych nomádov. Je to skvelé mesto na prácu a cestovanie.

Po ôsmich mesiacoch po Európe som sa v lete roku 2017 konečne usadil v modernom hlavnom meste Bavorska. Aj ako spisovateľ na voľnej nohe, ktorý nemá absolútne žiadne vedomosti o nemeckom jazyku, som zistil, že život v Mníchove bol oveľa jednoduchší, ako sa očakávalo.

Medzi expanznou komunitou vysťahovalcov a množstvom možností spolupráce je Mníchov vynikajúcou destináciou, ktorá žije ako digitálny kočovník. Aj keď to nemusí byť jedným z lacnejších európskych destinácií, poskytuje vynikajúcu hodnotu za peniaze a stále sa treba mať.

V tomto článku pokryjem všetko o živote v Mníchove – od prechodu po najvyššie atrakcie a reštaurácie mesta, až po životné náklady v Mníchove a nájdenie ubytovania.

Životné náklady v Mníchove
Najlepšie štvrte v Mníchove
Spolupracujúce priestory v Mníchove
Nájdenie ubytovania Mníchov
Najlepšie veci v Mníchove
WiFi a SIM karty v Mníchove
Najlepšie reštaurácie v Mníchove
Preprava v Mníchove
Získanie víza pre Nemecko
Klady a nevýhody bývania v Mníchove
Záverečné myšlienky
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Životné náklady v Mníchove

V Európe môže byť Mníchov lacnejší ako destinácie ako Londýn, Paríž a Amsterdam. Na druhej strane zaznamenala v posledných desaťročiach výrazný nárast a zmenil sa z malého poľnohospodárskeho mesta na medzinárodné mesto naplnené hlavnými korporáciami a podnikami. Z tohto dôvodu je Mníchov všeobecne považovaný za najdrahšie mesto v Nemecku.

Napriek drahej povesti Mníchov môžete stále nájsť dobré ponuky ubytovania, jedla a cestovania.

Mníchovské náklady na ubytovanie

V prípade Nemecka má Mníchov vysoké životné náklady, najmä ak sa týka bytov a bývania. Ak hľadáte súkromné ​​štúdio alebo jednotku s jednou spálňou v centre mesta, môžete očakávať, že zaplatíte okolo 1 000 -1500 EUR (1 100 $-1 650 USD) každý mesiac vrátane verejných služieb. Zdieľanie bytu je lacnejšie a môže stáť kdekoľvek od 400 € -1000 € (440-1 100 USD) mesačne.

V Nemecku sa byty a domy prenajímajú „teplé“ alebo „chladné“. Ak si vyberiete teplý byt, znamená to, že verejné služby budú zahrnuté do vašej prenájmu. Ak si vyberiete studený byt, vaše služby budú navyše. Vždy si prečítajte zmluvu, aby ste vedeli, za čo ste zodpovední za zaplatenie.

Zariadené apartmány budú tiež stáť oveľa viac, ako keby ste si prenajali ploché prázdne alebo „chladné“. Na druhej strane sú zariadené „teplé“ apartmány jednoduchšie pre krátkodobých návštevníkov, vysťahovalcov a digitálnych nomádov.

Náklady na ubytovanie v Mníchove závisia aj od zahrnutej vybavenosti. Vyššie podlahy, balkóny a práčky môžu zvýšiť náklady na nájomné. Je tiež nevyhnutné poznamenať, že niektoré apartmány Mníchov neprichádzajú so základnými kuchynskými spotrebičmi. Ak musíte ponúknuť svoju vlastnú kabinet, chladničku a spotrebiče, mali by ste zvážiť dodatočné náklady na prenájom.

Životné náklady v Mníchove: potraviny a reštaurácie

V porovnaní s Spojeným kráľovstvom a USA sú čerstvé potraviny a produkty v Mníchove oveľa lacnejšie. Tu je príklad cien, ktoré môžete očakávať pri nakupovaní v obchode s potravinami alebo na trhu.

Bochník chleba: 1,35 € (1,50 USD)

Miestny syr: 4,30 € (4,75 dolárov)

12 vajec: 2,30 € (2,55 USD)

Fľaša vína: 5,00 € (5,50 USD)

Fľaša piva: 1,17 € (1,30 USD)

1 kg kuracie prsia: 4,00 € (4,40 dolárov)

Môžete ušetriť veľa peňazí varením vlastného jedla namiesto jedenia v reštauráciách. Mali by ste sa však určite rozprestierať do reštaurácií raz za čas. Mníchov má tisíce kulinárskych možností v ústach. Existuje niečo od lacných donerových kebabov po reštaurácie Michelin – a všetko medzi tým. V priemere môžete očakávať, že v reštauráciách zaplatíte nasledujúce ceny:

3-chodové jedlo pre dvoch ľudí v reštaurácii stredného rozsahu: 60 € (66 dolárov)

Stravovanie s rýchlym občerstvením s nápojom: 6 € (6,60 dolárov)

.5 liter miestneho piva: 3,50 € (3,90 dolárov)

Fľaša vína: 18 € (19,90 dolárov)

Fľaša vody: 3 € (3,30 USD)

Po celom meste nájdete aj lacné nápoje, v jednom z mnohých barov, nočných klubov alebo pivných záhrad. Samozrejme, existujú drahé salóniky, ktoré podávajú remeselné koktaily za 13-15 € (14,35 dolárov-16,60 dolárov), ale stále môžete piť lacno, ak viete, kde hľadať.

Kokteil v strednom bare: 7 € (7,75 USD)

Kokteil v drahom bare: 14 € (15,50 dolárov)

.5 liter piva v pivnej záhrade: 3,50 € (3,90 dolárov)

1 liter piva počas Oktoberfestu: 12 € (13,25 dolárov)

Pohárof red wine in a mid-range bar: 6€ ($6.60)

Cost of Living in Munich: Transportation 

Germany is known for having some of the most efficient methods of transportation in Europe, and Munich is no exception. For public transport, you can choose between the underground subway, overground subway, tram, or bus. If you purchase a ticket for the public transportation system, you can use it on any of the trains, trams, or buses in Munich.

Single ticket (1 zone) : 2.90€ ($3.20)

Day ticket: 6.70€ ($7.40)

Monthly ticket: 55.20€ ($61)

If you choose something much more private, then taxis and Ubers are also available. Munich also has several rideshare options for driving in the city, including DriveNow and Car2Go. You can also rent bikes, e-bikes, e-scooters, and Vespa scooters by the minute.

Najlepšie štvrte v Mníchove

If you’re planning on living in Munich, you’ll first need to decide where in the city you want to live. here are my recommendations for the best neighborhoods in Munich.


Munich’s old medieval town, Altstadt, is the beating heart of the city. located near Marienplatz, Munich main Station, and Karlsplatz Stachus, Altstadt is filled with old-world charm and character. It’s also home to Munich’s town hall, a lively square surrounded by restaurants, cafes, and shopping centers.

However, Altstadt tends to be much more touristy than other neighborhoods. For that reason, the cost of living (including accommodation, food costs, and other expenses) might be much more expensive.

On the other hand, being in the middle of the city implies you’re never much more than a short tram or subway ride to other parts of Munich. Altstadt is the ideal jumping-off point for exploring the best attractions that Munich has to offer.


Once considered the bohemian and artistic hub of Munich, Schwabing is a lively neighborhood for both locals and expats. It’s a great location if you want to experience authentic local life while in Germany. From Schwabing, you’re just a 10-minute ride to the city’s top attractions, like Altstadt, English Garden, and Olympia Park.

Schwabing is also home to some of the city’s best shops and restaurants. You’ll find everything from independent boutique shops, big-name department stores, and tons of gourmet dining options for every taste.

Price-wise, Schwabing tends to be one of the most expensive residential areas in Munich. but due to its proximity to the city’s universities, it’s also possible to find budget-friendly flats or shared housing.

I live in Schwabing and I love it because it’s a good mixture of restaurants, bars and cafes. It’s also quieter than many neighborhoods, but everything is within walking distance best out your front door! and I’m only 5 minutes from the city center and main station.


Located just above the Altstadt is Maxvorstadt, one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Munich. The area is home to the city’s two many popular universities, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität and the technical university of Munich. For this reason, Maxvorstadt is popular with students and young locals.

You’ll also find the Pinakotheken, or museum district, in Maxvorstadt. Not to mention, the area is teeming with budget-friendly cafes, international restaurants, and alternative boutique shops.

Due to the neighborhood’s small size, there are fewer housing opportunities available. but if you’re able to snag a room or flat, you’ll be in one of the trendiest and liveliest districts of Munich.


Located across the Isar River, Haidhausen is a quaint neighborhood with some of the most affluent townhouses and flats in the city. There are multitudes of restaurants, cafes, and shops within walking distance. Haidhausen is also home to the Gasteig, a concert venue and event hall for Munich’s Philharmonic Orchestra.

If you’re searching for nightclubs and lounges, Haidhausen is also a good choice. Although it’s not as busy as other nightlife areas like Aldtstadt or Schwabing, Haidhausen does have some of the largest and many popular clubs in Munich.

Although you’re located on the other side of the river, you’re still within walking distance of the city center. Not to mention, you’re also just a stone’s throw away from the east Station, Munich’s second busiest train station.

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Spolupracujúce priestory v Mníchove

Munich is an innovative city full of start-ups, international companies, and large-scale businesses. For this reason, it’s relatively easy to find a shared co-working space. depending on your budget and preferred amenities, there are several co-working spots to choose from.

MATES – With two offices in Munich’s city center, MATES is a modern and intimate co-working space for all types of digital nomads. They offer hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly passes. MATES also hosts a variety of networking events, such as professional speed dating, throughout the month. and as a bonus, you can take advantage of the state-of-the-art espresso device on site.

WeWork –  Although it may cost much more than other offices in Munich, WeWork is a reliable co-working space. You can choose between a private office, a dedicated desk, or hot desk for your workspace. Both of their dog-friendly locations are located in the middle of the city and offer high-speed wifi, meeting rooms, and phone booths, as well as monthly networking events

Werk1 – located across the Isar River on the Eastern side of Munich, Werk1 is a budget-friendly option for a co-working office. They have a silent space (for workers who need some peace and quiet), as well as a communication space (for those who would like to brainstorm with others). There’s even an on-site cafe where you can indulge in delicious pastries and freshly-brewed coffee.

☞ SEE ALSO: 7 best jobs For digital Nomads – get Paid With These Remote Careers

Nájdenie ubytovania Mníchov

Whether you’re searching for short term or long term accommodation, there are several sites to help you find the best flat.

ImmobilienScout24 – As Munich’s many popular rental sites, Immobilibilien Scout 24 has thousands of furnished and unfurnished flats to lease. browse by neighborhood, number of rooms, and desired price to find your next house in Munich.

WG Gesucht – WG Gesucht is your go-to site for finding shared accommodation in Munich. You can find long term or short term rentals in a shared room, flat, or house throughout the city. As you browse through “wanted ads,” you can apply for listings searching for new flatmates and tenants.

Facebook groups –  one of the best options for finding accommodation in Munich is by browsing Facebook Groups. There are dozens of groups to choose from, and you’ll find up-to-the-minute messages on rentals and available flats. You can even post your own profile to let others know you’re in the market for a new place to live.

Of course, you can always search on Airbnb. 

Najlepšie veci v Mníchove

Munich has something for everyone and caters specifically to foodies, history buffs, creative artists, and even party-goers. When living in Munich, you’ll have plenty of time to explore some of the numerous attractions and events that happen around the city. However, don’t miss the opportunity to check out the following top things to do.


Located in the center of Munich’s Old town (or Altstadt), Viktualienmarkt is buzzing at every hour of the day. It’s the oldest market in the city and attracts both tourists as well as locals. Here, you can shop for fresh produce, sample a variety of local delicacies, or unwind with a pint of cold, crisp, German beer.

The market is open every day, but the best time to visit is in the early morning or around lunch, when many of the food stalls are open. Viktualienmarkt is also a great place to pick up souvenirs for family back home. You can find cured meats, homemade honey, aromatic spices, and of course, tons and tons of mustard!

English Garden

Did you know that Munich’s English garden park is larger than new York City’s central Park? built in the 18th-century, this lush oasis stretches through the middle of the city and is an outstanding location for sunbathing, picnics, and sports games.

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